Have you ever clicked on a blog post and have been disappointed after only reading a few sentences? You'll agree with me that this isn't a good thing to happen to any content, especially given the time and effort that went into creating it, as well as the hopes and expectations that were dashed by such a harsh reality. Here are a few tips on how to keep your content relevant so that your audience is engaged and ready to share it?
Create Content That is Useful to Your Target Audience
What motivates us to create content? Content is created to be consumed by a specific audience. The more relevant your content is to your target audience, the more likely they will share it with their friends and colleagues. If your content is not relevant to your target audience, they may not be inclined to read it or share it with others.
Overall, not all content is created equal. While some content may be related to a topic of interest to your audience, this does not always imply that it adds value to their lives. Here are a few ways to create content that's both useful and relevant to your audience.
Think About Your Audience
The first rule of thumb in any useful content creation is to think about your audience, understand them, and connect with them. The heart of all useful content is the ability to tell stories that resonate with your audience's lives. Remember that your content is designed to be consumed by your target audience, which means that they are at the center of your content, and you cannot give them consumable content if you haven't understood them and connected with them and with content that resonates with what they are passionate about.
When you think about your audience, you will get to know and understand them better, as well as what they are enthusiastic about, and you will have cured your content of its potentially original sin—a disconnect between the content and the target audience. Dedicating the first chunk of your time and energy to thinking about and understanding your audience is analogous to what businesses do before introducing new products to a market; digging in and conducting extensive market research, all with the goal of better understanding their target market and products that resonate with their situations.
Overall, whether it's products or content, one golden thread connects them both: research. Think and research your target audience, understand their motivations and situations, and tell stories in your content that address those highlighted concerns. With this, you are just getting started on creating content that is both useful and relevant to your audience.
Make Sure That Your Content Is Relevant
After thinking and understanding your target audience, the next rope to learn is how to create content that is relevant to them. When you are trying to figure out how to create content that's relevant to your target audience, some questions naturally arise. How can I write about something they care about or are enthusiastic about? How can I give them something to talk about? How can I tell stories that are relevant to and resonate with their lives and circumstances? One might wonder, and rightly so, why these questions must be answered and answered honestly. Answering these questions is critical in establishing a connection between your content and your target audience, which will inevitably result in the desired results—content that is both useful and relevant to your audience, as well as sellable.
For example, individuals with busy lives, people with different motivators, and people with different things that keep them awake at night, could be your potential target audience. As a result, you cannot create content that is not empathic to these factors and expect them to engage with it. Consider your audience and tell stories through your content that is meaningful and impactful to them by resonating with their lives and situations, overcoming some of their specific pain points, motivating them, and positively touching their lives. Briefly, your content must be relevant to your audience's mindset, values, needs, and concerns.
Make Sure Your Content Has Supporting Facts or Information.
Any content that is not supported by relevant facts or information and properly garnished with reliable figures is akin to a house built on sand—it will collapse. To get the most out of your content, give the impression that you know what you are doing. And you cannot achieve this without demonstrating sufficient knowledge through supporting facts and information, which your target audience will perceive as manifestly achieved. As with all writing, no writing is ever done in a vacuum, and the same should be true for your content creation. Content that contains relevant facts and information has been shown to encourage sharing. Relevant facts in a piece of content will resonate well with the target audience due to a cohesive narrative that serves as a reference point.
In a nutshell, content is used to outline information and facts for a specific purpose. As a result, content that is not supported by relevant or supporting facts and information has an irreversible flaw—its goal is defeated. Not only do you need supporting facts and information to make your point, but you also need them to make your content authentic, and believable, and to establish yourself as a trustworthy authority figure.
Tell Your Story Well
Telling your story well through your content is the ideal way to put a bow on all of the values your content is intended to create for your target audience. Content isn't just meant to be created and distributed; it's also meant to be consumable, creating value for your audience who can't get enough of it. You can't create these super-charged values for your audience if you don't tell these stories that should resonate with their lives, situations, and address their specific needs and wants, and tell them Well. Value is created not only by what you intend to serve, but by how well it is delivered to the final consumers—your target audience.
In a nutshell, tell stories that connect with your audience, stories that always center on the end user and entice them to read more. Stories that create the right values and deliver those values to the end users, completes the value-creation chain perfectly.
To summarize, one of the most effective ways to build trust and authority in your niche is to create compelling content that your audience wants to share.